Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well the Sons of Sek got finished right under the wire. The GT was a blast and I'll have full coverage by this weekend. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Wood Elves - 'Ardboyz Additions Built

Well, I spent most of today building the remaining figures I need to get my Wood Elves up to 3500 points, for the Qualifiers this Saturday. Now, since there is no painting requirement or score, I'm technically done... I wish. As any of my friends at Imperial Outpost can tell you, a tournament is not a tournament, unless I'm up until 4am finishing my army.

Starting in the back and working from left to right:
  • My second scratchbuilt treeman (the other one is already painted). I used a technique found here on the US GW website.
  • Spellsinger on horse (converted from a Glade Rider - steps of the conversion will be posted tomorrow.
  • Noble on horse (took me forever to pin him, plus I lost one of his horns, and I carved a new one out of sprue, then lost that. I carved another one, and watched it like a hawk).
  • Lord on Great Stag.
  • 12x Drayds
Since there are five units I have to paint, and there are five days until the tournament, I need to complete one unit per day. To keep myself motivated, I will pledge to post the finished product of each unit here on that day (or the wee hours of the following morning).
  • Monday: Spellsinger
  • Tuesday: Treeman
  • Wednesday: Lord on Great Stag
  • Thursday: Noble on Horse
  • Friday: Dryads
Off to bed, I have to a couple hours early tomorrow, because I got none of my readings done for class.


Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Ok... let's see those finished units. Remeber you've only got 5 days like you say.

dvdhwk said...

Whenever I close my eyes I see the "24" countdown timer. The mage is primed right now, and I'll get started after I eat.

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek
Sept. 5th, 2008 - They were finished literally at the table before the first round began.