Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well the Sons of Sek got finished right under the wire. The GT was a blast and I'll have full coverage by this weekend. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Adding to my Wood Elves for 'Ardboyz

On Saturday, April 19th, Imperial Outpost Games will be hosting an 'Ardboyz qualifier. I have about 2250 of Wood Elves painted. So here's what I need to work on before then:
  • 2x Treemen (one is painted, one needs to finish being modeled)
  • 12x Dryads
  • 1x Lord on Horse
  • 1x Lord on Stag
  • 1x Spell Singer on Horse (needs to be converted from a Glade Rider)
Now, I know that painting is not a requirement for 'Ardboyz, but I have a disease, which prevents me from playing with unpainted models in a tournament. Plus painted models perform better than unpainted models. Lots to do.

Also, here's some old pics of the initial 2000 point army after I finished it.

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Current Progress on the Sons of Sek

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek
Sept. 5th, 2008 - They were finished literally at the table before the first round began.