Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well the Sons of Sek got finished right under the wire. The GT was a blast and I'll have full coverage by this weekend. 

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sons of Sek - Officers

It's been more than a week since my last post. Things have been a little crazy around here, and I'm behind on my schedule. I'll get it all figured out, and I might be able to get caught up or at least nearly caught up next week.

But anyways, let's talk about my officers. So I needed my HQ (a Heroic Senior Officer) and 3 Junior Officers to lead my 3 Infantry Platoons. They would also use the Chaos warrior bodies as the basis of the conversion.

I wanted to make all of the officers stand out from the rest of the Chaos Warrior body models. The first thing I did was for the HSO. I decided I wanted him a little higher on a rocky level. I needed something flat, that I could glue the wallpaper I use on top of.

Making the HSO Stand Out

I grabbed some square bases and cut off the beveled edges. The plan was to form these up a bit and glue them together, to create my rocky raised platform.

I then carved them into more natural shapes within a certain range of each other. I also beveled their edges.

Gluing them together and putting the wallpaper on, I wound up with the above. It doesn't stand out too much now, but is more noticeable painted up.

All of the officers have mutated heads from the Chaos accessory sprues. I also gave them each the hand respirator mask. The HSO also has the Chaos star on his back, which will represent his refractor field. The HSO also has a bolt pistol, while the JO's have las pistols which are converted lasguns.

I figured that their power weapons would also make them stand out. But half way through painting the models, I realized that the JO's weapons didn't quite look sci-fi-ish enough. So I added some plasticard and guitar wire make them look like there was some sort of power pack attached.

Here are the finished products:

Chief Sirdar (Colonel) Sheram
I decided that my HSO should have a red cape, which would further set him apart.

Vice Sirdar (Lieutenant) Katesh
All of the JO's I decided should have a different colored cape, and so I settled on black. I gave them the same chaos script along the bottom of the cape that the HSO has.

Vice Sirdar - Winscar
Vice Sirdar Maggol

So there they are. I should note, that the hard line highlights on some of the models aren't nearly as drastic in person, they're much more subdued. Oh well. Off to finish modeling some joe schmo guardsmen.


Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Great stuff! I've been waiting for an update.

Chris Hines said...

Good to see that you've taken to this so well that you apologize for not having updated in a while ;)

Anonymous said...

These guys look great! I too have been anxious for an update over here! Keep up the awesome work.

jlong05 said...

Great job on the officers... I think you may have more time to finish them though if you stop playing so many games up here in the valley. ;)

Jerry said...

Sean, You never cease to amaze! This has to be one of your most interesting projects to date. I can't wait to see the stuff in person one day.

Anonymous said...

You know The Sons of Sek are a Blood Pact army ( ) and bare the mark of Khorne. They should be a red... Just saying. Nice work though.

dvdhwk said...

The Sons of Sek are NOT Blood Pact. They are modeled after the Blood Pact, and the book describes them as wearing ocher-colored armor, NOT red.

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek
Sept. 5th, 2008 - They were finished literally at the table before the first round began.