Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well the Sons of Sek got finished right under the wire. The GT was a blast and I'll have full coverage by this weekend. 

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Study Break: Emperor's Scythes - 1st Company

So I've been studying pretty much non-stop for the last four days. I've got my first final Saturday morning (Saturday?), and then 4 more over the next two weeks. Good news is I'm done studying for Saturday, the bad news is that's only because I needed extra time to study for the next final.

Last night during an unplanned study break, I was talking with Anthony about the Lord of the Rings Indy GT and Las Vegas GT (40K). It got me thinking that once I'm done with finals I've got a couple weeks to paint my LotR army and then his. As soon as I get them done, I've got to get working on the 169 converted traitor guard for the GT (details to follow). Basically I started planning out everything I have to do, and developed a 12-week schedule for getting the traitor guard done. It's not going to be pretty.

He also told me that I should put something up on ye ol' blog. So posted above and below are pics of Anthony's Drop Imperial Guard, the Emperor's Scythes 1st Company. I did these for him a couple of months back and is a good taste of what I'm in for with my traitor IG.

Back to studying Adverse Possession under Color of Title...

1 comment:

Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Nice, I like the subdued colors. The spot red and blue makes for some nice additions as well.

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek
Sept. 5th, 2008 - They were finished literally at the table before the first round began.