Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well the Sons of Sek got finished right under the wire. The GT was a blast and I'll have full coverage by this weekend. 

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July Weekend everyone. I'll be celebrating my taking my Lord of the Rings Easterlings out for a spin at the first ever Indy LotR GT in Phoenix. My camera will be coming with me, and hopefully I'll remember to take pics.

I just added a third column. Please let me know if you're having problems viewing the page properly. Thanks.


Admiral Drax said...

Back at you!

- Much as I loathe and despise chaos, I've been simply stunned by your Sons of Sek - awesome modelling!

And how do you get that extra column? I hate the wastage of space on my page...

- Drax

Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Third column works fine on my computer and I agree with Drax, your Sons of Sek are stunning.

Boss Salvage said...

Hope the tournament went well, look forward to hearing tales of conquest (with pics for proof) ;D

- Salvage

dvdhwk said...

Thanks again for the compliments guys, it definitely keeps me motivated.

Drax, I forget where I found the info. Just google: blog third column. There's a lot of blogs out there that walk gou through it for your template. Its just a lot of copy/pasting html.

Boss, I have some pics and mini battle reports that I'll post later tonight. I didn't win the whole thing, but i did quite well.

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek

Current Progress on the Sons of Sek
Sept. 5th, 2008 - They were finished literally at the table before the first round began.